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Children's Flu Vaccination

Excited to drag that luggage across Changi Airport’s carpet again? I bet you are!

With the borders opening up and the COVID-19 measures easing, many of us can’t wait to travel again. But how can we continue to keep out little ones protected from the common flu viruses that may be spreading around this flu season? Get vaccinated against the newest influenza virus!

What Is Influenza?

Influenza, also commonly known as the “flu”, is a contagious disease that can affect anyone including children. It attacks the respiratory tract in humans (nose, throat, and lungs), causing inflammation of the mucous membranes.

Should My Child Get the Flu Vaccination?

Yes, they should! According to the National Childhood Immunisation Schedule (NCIS), flu vaccinations are one of the vaccinations recommended for children as a protection against vaccine-preventable diseases. The Ministry of Health Singapore also recommends getting influenza vaccination before travelling, to help mitigate the widespread transmission of flu. A single dose is recommended annually as flu viruses are rapidly adapting and your body’s immunity to flu viruses may decline over time. Plus, nothing else beats having the ease of mind when we’re trying to have fun away from home.

The flu vaccination is recommended for all individuals, especially young children with pre-existing conditions or diseases. The groups of individuals who are more likely to develop serious complications if they get the flu are:

  • Children aged 6 months to under 5 years (i.e. 6 to 59 months)
  • Children who have chronic pulmonary or cardiovascular disorders
  • Children who have required regular medical follow-up or hospitalisation due to chronic metabolic diseases, renal, neurologic, hepatic or haematologic disorders
  • Immunocompromised children
  • Children and adolescents aged 6 months to 18 years who are receiving long-term aspirin therapy
child immunisation sbcc

At What Age Can My Child Get the Flu Jab?

According to the National Childhood Immunisation Schedule, children are recommended to take the flu vaccinations as such: 

  • Annual vaccination or per season for all children age 6 months to under 5 years (6-59 months).
  • Annual vaccination or per season for children and adolescents age 5 to 17 years with specific medical conditions or indications.

Is It Safe for My Child?

Fret not, as all vaccines are assessed to be safe for use by the Health Sciences Authority Singapore. 

How Often Should My Child Get the Flu Vaccination?

As flu viruses are rapidly adapting and your child’s immunity to flu viruses may decline over time, it is recommended that children get the flu jab annually or per season.

Our SBCC Baby & Child Clinics provide childhood vaccines recommended by the Ministry of Health Singapore. We are also Baby Bonus approved, means you can pay for your children’s vaccinations using their Childhood Development Account (CDA) or your Baby Bonus cash gift.

Make sure to get your child’s flu vaccination shot at our SBCC Baby & Child clinics before you travel!